Newsletter #13

…teachers might have to teach the Ten Commandments as fact and this British headteacher who has to double job as a caretaker to pay the bills. At least nothing like…

The resurrection of POD

…spreadsheet, which I would then have to upload. However, the problem with this method was that we had to go through a completely unnecessarily difficult step of encrypting the Excel…

The resurrection of POD

…spreadsheet, which I would then have to upload. However, the problem with this method was that we had to go through a completely unnecessarily difficult step of encrypting the Excel…

Go Animate!

…a web site because this is one of the first web sites I’ve found where you can use it to teach Comhrá Gaeilge and make it very very fun! The…

Go Animate!

…a web site because this is one of the first web sites I’ve found where you can use it to teach Comhrá Gaeilge and make it very very fun! The…

What are teachers for?

…for healthy living and a sense of responsibility for his or her own health”. This is referred to on numerous occasions throughout the document before we even come to the…

ClassDojo releases ClassStory

…ClassStory lets a teacher post news and information about what’s been happening in the class directly to parents’ phones. ClassDojo have thought about whether to have one or two-way communication…

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