Week 4 of Rozz’s podcast for anseo. She speaks about that four letter word again, CEPP. She also speaks about the 2 billion euro the government have announced for school buildings, a newly appointed principal symposium in Wexford Education Centre and the rather naughty lack of teachers in the ICT in education supplement in Sunday Business Post.
[audio:http://anseo.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/anseo-radio-week-4.mp3|titles=anseo radio week 4]
What Vehicle will get us over the Bridge?
With the overwhelming majority of teachers voting to not cooperate with Droichead in its current format, I wonder how the Teaching Council are going to pick up the pieces and try again. I thought I’d use the following analogy to help them out. CEPP was the first incarnation from the Teaching Council. It took the form … Read more