I recently surveyed 100 teachers – I wanted more but I think there’s a limit on Survey Monkey‘s basic package – about their views on Internet applications. I wanted to check what web 2.0 applications they used and which ones they trusted. I wanted to see if my suspicions – that Irish primary teachers were scared to post their opinions on a public forum – were true. Effectively, they were less true than I thought.
Web Design
A nice Website X5 Website
By accident while browsing the web looking for a link to the NCCA, I came across a school’s web site. At first glance, I thought that this was a nice web site. The colour scheme is very good and there seems to be a lot in it. Then I balked. It was clearly written using my arch-nemesis: Website X5. From the menu system to the staticness, it had all the signs. But it still looked nice.
A Review of popular Web Site Design Packages
Writing a web site is not as daunting a task as it used to be. I remember trying to write a web page for the first time with only Window’s Notepad and a sheet of paper with various commands as my companions. My first web site contained a title with some text under it followed by a picture followed by more text. It was one page long because I couldn’t understand how to link pages to each other. Over 10 years later, creating a simple web site requires little more than a bit of time and a bit of planning. There are a number of pieces of software and even web sites which “do the coding” for you. I intend to look at a few of these discussing their merits and downfalls.
A Review of popular Web Site Design Packages
Writing a web site is not as daunting a task as it used to be. I remember trying to write a web page for the first time with only Window’s Notepad and a sheet of paper with various commands as my companions. My first web site contained a title with some text under it followed by a picture followed by more text. It was one page long because I couldn’t understand how to link pages to each other. Over 10 years later, creating a simple web site requires little more than a bit of time and a bit of planning. There are a number of pieces of software and even web sites which “do the coding” for you. I intend to look at a few of these discussing their merits and downfalls.
A Review of popular Web Site Design Packages
Writing a web site is not as daunting a task as it used to be. I remember trying to write a web page for the first time with only Window’s Notepad and a sheet of paper with various commands as my companions. My first web site contained a title with some text under it followed by a picture followed by more text. It was one page long because I couldn’t understand how to link pages to each other. Over 10 years later, creating a simple web site requires little more than a bit of time and a bit of planning. There are a number of pieces of software and even web sites which “do the coding” for you. I intend to look at a few of these discussing their merits and downfalls.