Newsletter #14

The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System.Read the full newsletter here It must be coming to the end of the school year because it’s time for silly season, otherwise known as June-itis. Darina Allen has her annual rant on the airwaves where she believes schools should be teaching cooking, despite … Read more Newsletter #13

The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System.Read the full newsletter here It’s been a reasonably quiet fortnight in the world of the media and primary education as it shifts its gaze to hyping up everyone involved in the Leaving Cert, (with this thoughtful exception), but all going to plan, we’re … Read more Newsletter #12

The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System. Read the full newsletter here With a lot of fearmongering in Ireland around RSE, it seems the UK has responded by making almost no change to their sex education programme and pretending they have. Speaking of not copying the UK, despite spending the last 20 … Read more Newsletter #11

The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System. Read the full newsletter here I was on the radio a few times in the last couple of weeks. I found myself discussing the removal of complex needs as a criteria for allocating support hours yet again but there seems to be no movement on … Read more Newsletter #10

The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System. Read the full newsletter here A post I made on X got me a radio interview on Cork’s 96FM, where I spoke about multi-denominational education with PJ Coogan. It made a nice change to talk about something I feel passionate about on the radio. Even so, … Read more Newsletter #9

The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System. Read the full newsletter here The Press Release people in the Department of Education were busy writing to every local paper in the country as each one congratulated their local TD on securing funding for ICT for their school. They all followed the … Read more Newsletter #8

The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System. Read the full newsletter here I spoke to Pat Kenny about research from the INTO where over 60% of teachers reported physical aggression from pupils.    The AON debacle is rearing its ugly head again as the IPPN gives off confusing messages about Special Needs Education.   … Read more Newsletter #7

The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System. Read the full newsletter here I was on the airwaves in the last couple of weeks about the new primary curriculum, both on Pat Kenny’s and Matt Cooper’s shows, where we hit on Ireland’s two favourite topics, sex and religion.    SET Allocations has been the main … Read more Newsletter #6

he Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System. Read the full newsletter here I was in the media talking about school uniforms again. I’m beginning to think it’s becoming my specialist topic.   Meanwhile, we learned that 25% of 6-year olds own a Smartphone, which is probably schools’ faults; Irish exemptions are being given … Read more Newsletter #5

The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System. Read the full newsletter here I was in the media a couple of times in the last two weeks, mainly speaking about Special Education [1] [2]. I also was on Drivetime talking about taking kids out of school during term time (24 minutes in).  However, most of … Read more

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