Blog Hop

…as blogging, we’re both into creative writing: Rozz is the short story expert and blogs on and Simon is a poet and writes at Wha t class level…

BETT 2012

…from all over the world, 30,000 of them, come together to spend time learning all about the latest ways to help children learn. Apart from the exhibition, which has over…

Computerised Cúntas Míosúil (Version 1.1)

Computerised Cúntas Míosúil version 1.1 Are you sick of all that paperwork when it comes to Cúntas Míosúil time? has created a computerised Cúntas Míosúil and you can download

Child Protection:Keeping it simple

…Protextion file. This should only be accessible to you. You should let the Deputy DLP and/or the Chairperson know that this notebook is there. In this notebook, keep dates, names…

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