Why I’m not excited about the latest coding announcement

Politicians are funny people. They seem to be completely obsessed with short term thinking while saying things like we need to look at the bigger picture. For example, every so often when a multinational company complains that they can’t find workers, some politicians decide that the answer to this problem is to introduce coding into the … Read more

Google Sites getting a makeover at last!

Google Sites must be the forgotten child of Google Apps. While almost all of Google’s services have been given a lovely makeover with nice new functionality, Google Sites has been left in its functional but reasonably outdated state for quite some time. Things like adding galleries or decent blogs or anything remotely modern looking have … Read more

Thoughts on the Digital Strategy

The Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020 is the latest attempt by the government to come up with a strategy for the use of technology in education. Its timing is more interesting than the last few because it is accompanied by money. This article aims to summarise what’s on offer and how it’s all going to … Read more

What's all the fuss with Scratch?

Scratch is a visual programming language suitable for children from the age of 8.  It’s very simple to use and it can lead to some very interesting projects.  Last year, I did a project with some 5th and 6th class pupils where they created a cartoon.  The learning involved was amazing: planning, storyboarding, storytelling, art, … Read more

Twitter and Primary Education (1)

Go to any search engine and type in “Twitter and education” and you’ll get hundreds of web sites, which show how great Twitter is for educational purposes.  I’ve scoured through many of these web sites looking at ways that I could introduce Twitter to the children in my school.  While all the suggestions for using … Read more