SET Allocation Study 2017-21

Data by school Use the search bar to find anything! Type in your roll number, your county or even the hours you received in order to compare the numbers. Please…

BETT 2022 – a reflection

…stood out as an up and coming company with a nice idea. Bookr seemed to be a more established company and their unique selling position was a complete reading scheme…

Suspensions, Expulsions and Social Media

…his school e-safety services where he talks about all manner of e-safety subjects including research, technology, opinion etc. Phorm CrunchBase company profile the company profile of Phorm    …

My Twitterversary

…of status update on Facebook I now had used Twitter as a survey tool. A few weeks later, I disconnected my Facebook status updates from Twitter after tweeting about a…

Guest Contributor: Eilis McGrath

…end of the article. Did you know that Ireland is ranked 3rd in the world for nanoscience research and 6th for Materials Science research? The AMBER Centre based in Trinity…

Complete Review of All IWBs

…April (or May). The prices and details listed are correct to my knowledge up to 12th March 2009. Download the Review including prices (PDF 98KB) Download the Review excluding prices…

INTO branch opens a Facebook page

…until branch meetings. The branch hope that the Facebook page will develop into a way of communicating quickly with a large number of teachers and other people who may be…

School Autonomy Summarised

…student attainment. Disadvantages: OECD research has shown, for example, that linking test outcomes with teacher performance and development review creates incentives for teachers to distort testing and test results and

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