Digital Art Week 2015

Digital Art Week 2015 took place during Tech Week from April 26th to May 1st with over 100 pieces of Digital Art uploaded to the official web site as well as a load of images and art shared on Twitter under the #artweek15 hashtag. This year pupils were encouraged to gain inspiration from various art … Read more

Twitter Takeover

Just a very quick post to let you know that I will be taking part in Pora Ora’s Real Teachers Twitter Takeover campaign for the week starting tomorrow. You can ask me any questions relating to education. Anything from technology in classrooms to equality of access to education in Ireland and anything in between. If I don’t … Read more

Digital Art Week 2015

Digital Art Week is back for another year. For those of you who haven’t done it yet, Digital Art Week gives primary school children around Ireland the opportunity to share their art with other children around the country and complete some fun visual arts activities. As it’s digital, over the course of the week, schools … Read more

#DojochatEU – Developing a PLN

#DojochatEU is a Twitter hashtag for an event that happens every Wednesday from 8:30pm to 9:30pm. Yesterday evening was the first opportunity I had to join in and I am hoping to be able to take part as often as I can as part of my ClassDojo ambassadorship. I thought it might be a good … Read more

Project 252

Enda Donlon is one of the best known educators in Ireland and has a strong interest in educational technology. He has been a member of the fantastic CESI committee for many years. This year, he is embarking on a year-long project designed to crowd-source a list of edtech tools in order to compile an A-Z directory, Project 252. … Read more

Edublog Awards Nominations

  It’s that time of the year again – the Edublog Awards are back for their 11th year. Every year, nominates its favourite blogs into this international competition. We were delighted last year to have nominated the overall winner, Seomra Ranga, so hopefully we’ll back a few more winners this time around again. If … Read more

Minister for Education tweets

I was delighted to hear that the new Minister for Education will be taking part in the next #edchatie discussion on Monday on Twitter. It’s a great opportunity for teachers to ask any questions they might have. The hour will be divided into four parts of four topics which are voted on beforehand. I expect … Read more

Féilte 2014

FÉILTE is Ireland’s way to celebrate World Teacher’s Day every year. Run by the Teaching Council, Féilte, which stands for the Festival of Education in Learning and Teaching Excellence, is a celebration of innovation in teaching. It is in its second year and its theme is “Talking about teaching: Tearing down the walls,” which if you’re … Read more

Everything I know about Féilte

Féilte is a festival organised by the Teaching Council for World Teachers’ Day on 5th October. Here is everything I know about it today, 6 days before the event. FÉILTE is an acronym standing for the Festival of Education in Learning and Teaching Excellence. It’s being held in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham in Dublin. Fintan … Read more