#AnShop Supermarket Maths

…it more higher order, make sure to think about how much of each product you’ll need. For example, will you eat all the apples on Monday or just one?) #ss…

#AnShop Supermarket Maths

…there are so many questions that one could make from this tiny section. For example, think of as many ways you could spend €50 on towels. When you’ve done this,…

#DojoChatEU: New Year’s Resolutions

…2016. I want to rediscover running and fitness. While I didn’t completely let go of exercise, I haven’t had a routine for a long time. Another personal goal involves another…

#dojochatEU: Peer learning

…or a task we all need to complete. For example, we might all decide that we’re going to find out as much as we can about dolphins. This will involve…

Supermarket Maths: Hallowe’en

…decent eyesight! However, there are some other questions that need answering. For example, if you check out the lollipops on the right hand side, how many of them would weigh…

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