Thank a Teacher

…it. Image from I was reminded of the expression: “If you can read this, thank a teacher”, recently and it made me think about the wonderful feeling I get…

Looking forward to #CESIcon

…their conference. This year is no different and I’ll be looking forward to seeing Tim Rylands ( who I’ve been following on Twitter for a long time. I’m also looking…

Excited about EXCITED

It’s that time of year again when teachers around the country will be coming to one of the most interesting learning festivals around. Created by the then minister, Ciaran Cannon,…

ClassDojo Cartoons

I discovered something new on the ClassDojo website today – a whole bunch of ClassDojo cartoons. The example below is the first episode in their second series and it focuses…

009. Should we scrap school uniforms?

…don’t stand up to scrutiny. To me uniforms create more problems, particularly when it comes to gender conformity and then there’s the whole problem of religious iconography on them. Ultimately,…

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