CESI Conference 2009

…better for primary schools. I used the new Scoilnet service (review coming in March) and it was very good. I also chaired a questions and answers session by Scoilnet on…

10 Tips for getting Substitute Work

…if you’ve already subbed in the school, if you haven’t, you might not get another call. Think of the long term gain. Image from http://www.mineshbhindi.com/short-term-pleasure-vs-long-term-purpose/ Think about the schools you’re…

#DojoChatEU: Parental Engagement

…we can think of. Last year we opened a garden in the front of the school that is designed to be maintained by teachers, parents and pupils. We’re working hard…

The power of online petitions

…by these media on a daily basis with accusations thrown against us, sometimes completely absurdly. For example, according to newspapers and media, teachers caused the traffic jams to Newry on…

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