The Mission for a Mission Statement

…up to the manager and principal, (sometimes there’s no Board in a brand new school) to fill it with things like books, furniture, computers, etc. The principal generally has a…

My take on the Maths Crisis

…skills (as far as I remember from my degree) are learned in a 3rd level mathematics degree. From Gone are the days in primary schools where children used “borrow… Review of 2016

…with special educational needs, children from minority and no faith backgrounds, children from non-English speaking families, in fact, all school-going children have been left in an underfunded, undervalued system.  …


…part of Arukas Limited, a company where Simon is a co-director. The website’s small costs are funded through this company. Simon Lewis is the principal of Carlow Educate Together National…

Outsourcing your IT

…IT to various companies. However, it is not common practice in Ireland. One company that are attmpting to sell the idea of outsourcing is Comdex Technology who are based in…

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