Twitter organising #EducationDay

I received an email today from someone called Shona who works for Twitter. The press release is as follows: Education is a hot topic for young people on Twitter. Students and school are using Twitter to show what they have been learning and use the platform as their voice. This offers a huge opportunity for … Read more

Twitter Takeover

Just a very quick post to let you know that I will be taking part in Pora Ora’s Real Teachers Twitter Takeover campaign for the week starting tomorrow. You can ask me any questions relating to education. Anything from technology in classrooms to equality of access to education in Ireland and anything in between. If I don’t … Read more

#DojochatEU – Developing a PLN

#DojochatEU is a Twitter hashtag for an event that happens every Wednesday from 8:30pm to 9:30pm. Yesterday evening was the first opportunity I had to join in and I am hoping to be able to take part as often as I can as part of my ClassDojo ambassadorship. I thought it might be a good … Read more

Anseo Tiny Guide to Twitter

Here is a short guide to Twitter to accompany my previous tiny guides. It goes through the jargon of @ symbols and # hashtags and talks about the various aspects of Twitter in Irish primary education. Check it out by downloading it below. Anseo Guide to Twitter

30 Irish Primary Schools who Tweet

There are now a number of Irish primary schools using Twitter.  Over the last year thanks to projects such as Digital Art Week, The cross-Atlantic Sweets Project and various other projects, the power of using Twitter to help schools communicate with each other is starting to gain popularity.  If your school wants to start tweeting, … Read more

Our Twitter Experiment according to 6th Class

The following article was written by 2 sixth class pupils in St. Martin de Porres NS in Dublin. Their teacher is Anne McMorrough, a well known primary school teacher in ICT circles. I’m delighted that the children got so much out of Twitter and I look forward to trying it out again! Over to you … Read more

Twitter in Primary Education (3)

The first Twitter in Irish Primary Schools experiment was a success. With 120 tweets and 21 users contributing over the week, there was plenty of scope for learning. For those of you who missed the previous two articles, the first Twitter experiment focussed on the primary Geography curriculum where schools were asked to talk about … Read more

Twitter and Primary Education (2)

The first week of the Twitter Experiment ended on Friday and a total of 21 Irish primary schools and 120 tweets were broadcast using the hashtag #twexp1.  I had expected a much smaller uptake for the week so was delighted to see the number of schools tweeting.  The focus of #twexp1 (TWitter EXPeriment 1) was … Read more

Twitter Experiment 2 – Instructions

To everyone who joined us in our first Twitter Experiment, thank you for agreeing to join us again for part two! There are a couple of changes to writing tweets, for example, we’re able to do this without the hashtag from the previous experiment. For those of you who are new, you’re very welcome to … Read more