
Eir announced that they will now be charging €5.99 per month for their email service. Hundreds of schools have Eir email addresses, many of which are @eircom.net but there are some even with @tinet.ie addresses. There is a grace period of a couple of months before the charge kicks in and many schools will want … Read more

New Google Sites

Google Sites is one of the more underused apps in G Suite (the new name for Google Apps for Education). I’ve been using it for a number of years in school for newsletters and internal staff memos. Unfortunately, while functional, Google Sites was not particularly attractive. However, its great strength, for me, was how one … Read more

Why I’m not excited about the latest coding announcement

Politicians are funny people. They seem to be completely obsessed with short term thinking while saying things like we need to look at the bigger picture. For example, every so often when a multinational company complains that they can’t find workers, some politicians decide that the answer to this problem is to introduce coding into the … Read more

What will the desk of the future look like?

Often teachers are asked what they think the classroom of the future looks like. My answer usually starts with the assertion that today’s classroom is not very different to the classroom of one hundred years ago. In most classrooms I visit, there are still the same basics: teacher’s desk, children’s desks and chairs and some sort … Read more

INTO uses Social Media during Congress

It’s good to see leadership in education. An example of this is in the INTO’s use of social media to report on the happenings at their annual congress in Killarney. I have been following the updates from the congress on Twitter and Facebook and both have proved very valuable in keeping up with things. I … Read more

A Case for Computer Rooms

Computer rooms were on top of every primary school’s wishlist back in the late 1990s and early 2000s.  In some cases, companies like Intel and HP were involved in sponsorship deals where they kitted out schools with completely networked solutions.  My first two schools both had computer rooms.  Every week I would usher 30 excited … Read more