074. State Money Should Not Be Given To Private Religious Bodies

How does one start an article on such an emotive topic? The best advice is usually to stick to the facts, but as with anything relating to religion, facts are not necessarily the most important thing. However, whatever way one wants to colour it, the Catholic Church stood by idly while hundreds of their clergy … Read more

070. Make primary education actually free

Primary education is supposed to be free. However, the reality is that it isn’t. In fact, it’s nowhere near free! According to Zurich Insurance who measure this sort of thing, in 2018, it cost an average of €830 per child per year to go to primary school. While some people may not believe this figure, … Read more

063. Remuneration for Principals for managing all positions in the school

There’s not too many jobs out there where a manager would work for free. However, that’s exactly what principals do every day. Despite a principal having to manage all the staff in the school, that’s the teachers, SNAs, caretakers, secretaries, bus escorts and anyone else, (s)he only gets paid for the teachers.  There are circumstances … Read more

061. There should be a Transparent consultation process including a democratic response

Consultations are a fashionable way for governments to pretend they are listening to everyone’s opinions before going ahead with their original plans. The consultation on Pluralism in Education was such an example. The population were given one of 4 options to decide on how best to solve the problem of the so-called Baptism Barrier. Before … Read more

058. Reduce circulars to maximum 1 per term

It’s rare that a week goes by without a new circular being produced by the Department of Education. There were 85 released in 2018, 83 in 2017, and 84 in 2016 and 2015. This equates to about 2.5 per week. As I’m writing this in early 2019, despite a promise of a slow down from … Read more

024. Abolish favourable entry to Teacher Training for Protestants

During the recession, it was decided that we had far too many Teacher Training Colleges and it was time to amalgamate them. Hibernia College was exempt as a private entity but the others were all fair game and were absorbed into various universities. One such amalgamation was in DCU where the old St. Patrick’s College … Read more