063. Remuneration for Principals for managing all positions in the school

There’s not too many jobs out there where a manager would work for free. However, that’s exactly what principals do every day. Despite a principal having to manage all the staff in the school, that’s the teachers, SNAs, caretakers, secretaries, bus escorts and anyone else, (s)he only gets paid for the teachers. 

There are circumstances where a principal may be responsible for dozens of staff members but only gets paid for a handful. For example, in Special Schools, a principal might have 10 teachers, 8 SNAs, 8 Bus Escorts, a secretary, a nurse and a caretaker – that’s 29 members of staff. However, the principal gets paid for 10.

The suggestion is simple. Principals need renumeration for managing all positions in the school, not just teachers but also ancillary staff, escorts, SNAs, etc. 

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