Review: Helix Library System

Computerised Library Systems for school seem to be the “in thing” these days and there are lots of them available on the Irish market from Irish companies. There are at least half a dozen companies selling their version of the ideal library. Some are bright and colourful, others are more focused on their functionality. Some … Read more

Review: Helix Library System

Computerised Library Systems for school seem to be the “in thing” these days and there are lots of them available on the Irish market from Irish companies. There are at least half a dozen companies selling their version of the ideal library. Some are bright and colourful, others are more focused on their functionality. Some … Read more

Guest Post: Not Every Cloud…

This guest post has been written by Simon Sharkey from the company Bryan S. Ryan, a specialist in print and business technology. The company recently exhibited at the IPPN conference and spoke with us about cloud technology. This is their take on cloud computing from a business perspective. It certainly makes interesting reading and is … Read more

Purple Mash

In Ireland, we use a lot of technology resources from other countries. Our market is tiny with only around 3,500 schools so a company selling a product for €100 is hardly going to make a profit after paying costs if they don’t sell to hundreds of schools.  We’re lucky that the Irish primary curriculum has … Read more

How to Sell the Cloud to your Staff

Since I wrote about our cloud computing service last year, I’ve been inundated with questions about it.  I’ve spoken at a couple of conferences (check out my podcast at the ICS Skills conference) and showed off the system at different events.  The main response I get from people is something along the lines of: I’d … Read more

ICS Skills Conference 2010

I was invited to speak at the Irish Computer Society’s annual conference in April.  I was introduced as someone who would give an insight and examples into the virtual staff notice board and how I  have made life a little easier for teachers using free web applications.  I hope I managed to do that.  My talk was based on my article, “Heads in the Cloud”, and I spoke about how my school utilises Google Apps for our complete communication system.  For those of you who want to listen to the talk, below is a podcast.  It does rely a little bit on a couple of images in places, but you should get a good picture of what I do, without seeing the slides.

Becoming an eTeacher

The CESI list is always worth keeping an eye on.  Out of the blue, last week, Michael Seery from DIT Kevin Street posted the following message up: As part of an MSc (E-learning) course, myself and three colleagues developed a site aiming to show how to use Google sites to set up a class website. … Read more