CESI Conference timetable

08.00 Registration Desk Opens 09.00 Opening Address 09.10 – 10.00 Keynote Address: New Tools, New Curriculum, New Opportunities Joe Dale 10.00 Exhibits and Coffee 10.45 – 11.15 The Potential Use…

Imagination through Animation

…of logos – some famous and others not so famous. I’m not an expert in logo design but we’re going to examine some simple theory. http://www.how-to-branding.com/Logo-Design-Theory.html From this, we can…

Guest article: Luke Curley (EdWare)

…conferences for edtech, and teachers are always interested in using Skype to communicate with other classrooms around the world. Check it out: http://education.skype.com/ Wikipedia, this is an excellent resource and

Why are we not liked?

…achievement, excellent career and promotional perks (A and B posts, principal positions, time to double job-grinds, tutoring etc.) I think teachers need to complain about the things that affect the…

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