Let me introduce myself!

…get the issues out there and I want this to be a forum where teachers can freely and respectfully speak their mind. I will be reviewing educational products with the…

Yoruba (and other) Myths Lessons for 5th/6th

…recommending is called Mythic Journeys and there are about 10 free cultural myths. There are lesson plans, worksheets (comprehension) and good teacher materials. You can buy a CDRom that has…

Teachnet Podcasting

…Ireland have created nearly 400 resources which are free to use. Recently, Teachnet started a blog and podscast. I was lucky to be asked to speak on the 6th show,…

Presenting New Software

…full educational software called: “Bhí Ocras Orm”. It’s an Interactive Story with 6 games. We’ll be releasing it on December 6th after the big march in Dublin. (Also…shhh… it’s free!)…

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