085. Classroom Assistants instead of SNAs

…insecurity. My first proposal is to remove the constraints of the role of the SNA and rename the job to Classroom Assistant. This frees up the role to attend to…

Filmstrips Project

…these slides using SlideShare with teachers all over the world. Not only will Quinn be doing this in his own time, all this work will be available for free. Quinn,…

Becoming an eTeacher

…own site for my school using Google Apps (the intranet we use for communication), I can recommend that others follow suit. One can access the course by going to: http://sites.google.com/site/becominganeteacher/…

Teachnet Podcasting

…Ireland have created nearly 400 resources which are free to use. Recently, Teachnet started a blog and podscast. I was lucky to be asked to speak on the 6th show,…

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