Where can I find Maths ideas?

…anyone wanting to see some excellent maths activities in action. The school has used ICT to establish a fantastic resource for teachers, parents and pupils alike. The teacher told me…

Group work and noise

…getting on. I would consider each group having their own “noise thermostat”. I myself would advocate the non-verbal communicative signal, a hand signal, a thumbs up or thumbs down or…

Know Your… (Edware)

…Edware have taken a concept (in Know Your Ireland) and have used it in all three other programs. When you have an excellent idea, why not adapt it and expand

Video over IP in the Classroom

…session. It’s also excellent quality and very fast. My virtual meeting with Joe Garde from OnlineMeetingRooms.com gave me a demonstration of what can be done these days and left me…

Inspire ourselves.

…verdict? Excellent. My inspiration levels are at an alltime high. My heroes? 1. Sean Cotrell- An amazing speech maker and public speaker, he speaks from the heart and from the…

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