POD: Return to 1984

…“continued participation and engagement in the POD project.” They also said that the Department is “committed to taking on board feedback from schools and parents about POD.” Now, I might…

May 29th- what happened on this day?

I am fascinated by the amount of “International” and “Special” days there are in the world or even in one day! Let me share with you an important day coming…

Keynote Speakers at CESI 2010

and podcasts to expand their teaching methodologies. Joe’s blog, www.joedale.typepad.com, has been nominated for two Edublog Awards in the last there years. Ask anyone who attended Joe Dale’s presentation at…

Parent Teacher Meetings and Google

[media url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-HxQD-cFbI” width=”100%”] I never realised the amount of work that goes into organising Parent Teacher Meetings until I became a principal. I thought it was a ten minute job…

ClassDojo Cartoons

I discovered something new on the ClassDojo website today – a whole bunch of ClassDojo cartoons. The example below is the first episode in their second series and it focuses…

Teaching with an iPad

…out what 56 divided by 7 is. I downloaded an app called FlashMathFree. It’s a very simple app that asks children to answer 50 maths facts and they are timed…

Teachnet Cloud Computing Podcast

…Google Apps, which I use for staff communication, and Scriblink, http://www.scriblink.com/, which I’m beginning to look at for sharing virtual whiteboards. Anyway, take a listen to the discussion and, as…

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