Easi Listener

The Easi Listener is not just any old CD Player and radio. It’s got a few little surprises. The little surprises come in the form of 6 ports for ear…

School Trips-Part 2

…staff members; this helps rapid communication of information. Ensure students understand and apply travel safety requirements, e.g. using seat belts on coaches and minibuses- Go through these basic rules before…

What next for ERBE?

…to people that don’t share their faith background. Therefore, in many ways, I’m very glad that the Catholic Church have vetoed this subject. I thought they might have seen the…

Review: Wizteach (Qwizdom)

…I understand Wizteach is in constant development and there are new toolbars coming out soon, which will be positive additions. However, Promethean need not be quaking in their boots yet…

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