IPPN Expo 2018

…to be any competitors at this Expo so fair play to both companies for keeping their products fresh and relevant to schools. We haven’t seen IMEX (H12) for a while…

Seomra Ranga – a new Irish educational web site

www.seomraranga.com is a website that has been put together with resources for primary teachers. The webmaster says that they are “resources which I’ve just gathered together from My Documents folder….

Supermarket Maths: Screens

…ask – one about percentages and the other about cost per item. The questions I can think of straight away are: How much does each screen cost per diagonal inch?…

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CESI National Conference 2010

…its members from primary, post primary and third level teachers. The CESI Conference is generously supported by Teacher Professional Networks, http://www.tpnetwork.ie/ and the National Centre for Technology in Education, www.ncte.ie…

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