New web site

For those of you following me on Twitter, you would have heard me going on about a new web site that I’m writing called Essentially, this web site is…

CESI Conference 2010

…modern foreign languages, will be presenting on the Saturday. Joe’s blog,, has been nominated for two Edublog Awards in the last there years. The Heritage Hotel will be offering…

ClassDojo and Ireland

…teachers too. The app has been completely redeveloped to be faster and more user friendly and it looks great. The app can be downloaded for Android and Apple devices. Jenna…

Scoilnet WordPress Plugin

…The plugin allows you to include a search component on your site that searches Scoilnet’s database of 11,000+ teacher-reviewed resources. Scoilnet Maps was the first site site to use the…

Cheap Laptops

…laptops. Pictured here is a mini laptop from a company called Asus. The screen is only 10 inches and it runs its own Linux operating system. It also has a…

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