Douglas Adams, The Fourth R and Learning

…academic and social. In the last few years, the way we use technology has completely changed. It is something we use to communicate with others in a very different way…

A Look at the Action Plan for Education

…in the areas of coding and computer science Enriching teaching and learning with new curricula, new assessment methods, and technology assisted learning Promoting wellbeing in our school communities to support…

Are Gen Alpha simply overstimulated iPad kids?

…guessed that, right? Apart from feeling much older than I did before reading this article and cringing when I read the response of one of her followers: This is…

#dojochatEU: Growth Mindset

…would you add? I’ll give my example that I hear more and more children saying: “I can’t draw.” Turning this to growth mindset one might change this to “I…

Blog Hop

…as blogging, we’re both into creative writing: Rozz is the short story expert and blogs on and Simon is a poet and writes at Wha t class level…

CESI Conference timetable

08.00 Registration Desk Opens 09.00 Opening Address 09.10 – 10.00 Keynote Address: New Tools, New Curriculum, New Opportunities Joe Dale 10.00 Exhibits and Coffee 10.45 – 11.15 The Potential Use…

Prim-Ed Competition Winner

Congratulations to Aoife Egan who has won’s March competition with thanks to Prim-Ed. She has won a bundle of CD-ROMs from Prim-Ed and we’re looking forward to hearing how…

Is the union too hierarchal?

…remove them. Our executive is answerable to our Annual Congress. Every position on the CEC is open to any member each year. Our National Committees advise the CEC. Positions on…

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