2016 Predictions

…services for schools. As it is not 100% compulsory until next year, it might be 2017 or 2018 before we see the real effects on children. However, overall, I believe…

Is the union too hierarchal?

…Kerr I agree 100%. It’s one of the main reasons, as I’ve said above, that I decided to contest this election. The ‘democratic deficit’ that I referred to in question…

Keep On Track

…as we’re not using it at all or that we’re being incredibly innovative because we’ve been sponsored to use the latest fashionable hardware device. There’s rarely anything about real learning….

New Google Sites

…content from Google into it. For example, adding forms, maps and so on was a breeze. However, it’s fair to say, Google Sites needed a makeover and, today, I was…

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