How do you explain phonics to parents? and www.synthetic which may be of help to you. The following link leads to Debbie’s new online synthetic phonics programme. . Unit 1 is free and…

We reap what we sow. Decline in Computer Use in Irish Schools.

…I haven’t mentioned the Digital Learning Framework because it isn’t worth mentioning. The only thing I’ll say is it needs to be scrapped and replaced with something with substance.…

So possibly no €252m at all

…potential offered by broadband connectivity and the efficient use by schools of computer software. The current national development plan provides for investment of €252 million in information and communications technology…

CESI Conference 2010

…modern foreign languages, will be presenting on the Saturday. Joe’s blog,, has been nominated for two Edublog Awards in the last there years. The Heritage Hotel will be offering…

New web site

For those of you following me on Twitter, you would have heard me going on about a new web site that I’m writing called Essentially, this web site is…

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