10 Tips for getting Substitute Work

…if you’ve already subbed in the school, if you haven’t, you might not get another call. Think of the long term gain. Image from http://www.mineshbhindi.com/short-term-pleasure-vs-long-term-purpose/ Think about the schools you’re…

IPPN Expo Preview

…in schools and this company are offering a free €50 voucher just for coming along to their stand. I’ll be interested in seeing the various wall games to encourage our…

Anseo.net Review of 2016

…into secondary schools, for example pay equality for all teachers, educational technology and other vote-winning bonuses. I had hoped that there would be the reversal of cuts to SEN, Travellers,…

Change of Dates for CESI Conference

Creative Technology in Challenging Times Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) National Conference 2010 Portlaoise Heritage Hotel, 5 Feb PM Portlaoise Community School, 6 Feb New Date! New Place!…

IPPN Expo Preview

Every year before the IPPN, I go through the Expo listings to try and find some interesting companies who are vying for business. With the announcement of ICT funding coming…

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