What to expect at the IPPN Expo

…or look interesting. This year, it looks like it’s the year of the MIS, the Management Information System. Thanks to the success of companies such as Aladdin, lots of companies…

5 Tips for Teacher Job Applications

…However, in a job application, I have heard of interview panels who will throw away applications with spelling and grammar errors. Common mistakes include these: “principle” instead of “principal”, “your”…

I Love my Netbook

After 3 years, my trusty laptop died. In its day it was a great laptop sporting 1GB of RAM and lots of other geeky stuff. I knew its time had…

Child Protection:Keeping it simple

…log into www.ippn.ie and find a wealth of resources from Maria and the other workshops at the Briefing Day. The new Children First National Guidance can be found at http://www.dcya.gov.ie/viewdoc.asp?DocID=1589,…

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