Digital Art Week 2012

Digital Art Week 2012 was a fantastic success with almost 100 schools registered to join in. I thought I’d share some of the statistics from the week to celebrate some of the events that went on.

  • Overall, in the week, 229 individual tweets were sent on Twitter with the hashtag #artweek12.
  • The Twitter users who tweeted the most (apart from HarryHawk and Leo_the_V) were: MissHynesClass, MrMitchellsu and MrQuinnsClass (Click on image below for full size)

  • 152 individual images were uploaded to the National Children’s Gallery
  • Most people (72%) of Twitter users used to tweet. The next popular platform was Tweetdeck.
  • Most images uploaded to the National Children’s Gallery were using MS Paint to do so

Congratulations to everyone on helping Digital Art Week be the great success that it was! You can see some of the images uploaded here.

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