iPod Touch in the Classroom

Damien Quinn is one of Ireland’s most innovative teachers. When he saw the potential the iPod Touch had for education, he teamed up with Apple through his local education centre  and started to use the devices in his classroom. The project is also going on through two other education centres in Kilkenny and Wexford.  You … Read more

BECTA closing down

Bad news for Irish schools as well as UK schools with the news that BECTA is being closed down due to budgetary cuts. This article from Meris Stansbury outlines the international impact this decision will have for education.  I hope this decision does not give our government any ideas.  The NCTE are doing a pretty … Read more

Press Release: Liosdoire supplying Epson Projector

From Stephen Linnane, Liosdoire We can supply and install the below with amp and speakers for € 2100 EPSON EB450Wi EDU: —Interactive,Interactivity on any wall or standard whiteboard. 2500 Lumen, WXGA (Widescreen)2000:1 Contrast, 3 Year Lamp Warranty Also the AVERMEDIA VISUALISER CP135 FOR €390

Our Twitter Experiment according to 6th Class

The following article was written by 2 sixth class pupils in St. Martin de Porres NS in Dublin. Their teacher is Anne McMorrough, a well known primary school teacher in ICT circles. I’m delighted that the children got so much out of Twitter and I look forward to trying it out again! Over to you … Read more

Twitter in Primary Education (3)

The first Twitter in Irish Primary Schools experiment was a success. With 120 tweets and 21 users contributing over the week, there was plenty of scope for learning. For those of you who missed the previous two articles, the first Twitter experiment focussed on the primary Geography curriculum where schools were asked to talk about … Read more

Twitter and Primary Education (2)

The first week of the Twitter Experiment ended on Friday and a total of 21 Irish primary schools and 120 tweets were broadcast using the hashtag #twexp1.  I had expected a much smaller uptake for the week so was delighted to see the number of schools tweeting.  The focus of #twexp1 (TWitter EXPeriment 1) was … Read more

Twitter Experiment 2 – Instructions

To everyone who joined us in our first Twitter Experiment, thank you for agreeing to join us again for part two! There are a couple of changes to writing tweets, for example, we’re able to do this without the hashtag from the previous experiment. For those of you who are new, you’re very welcome to … Read more

Twitter and Primary Education (1)

Go to any search engine and type in “Twitter and education” and you’ll get hundreds of web sites, which show how great Twitter is for educational purposes.  I’ve scoured through many of these web sites looking at ways that I could introduce Twitter to the children in my school.  While all the suggestions for using … Read more

Redesign of Promethean Planet

Promethean has today unveiled a new look Promethean Planet (www.PrometheanPlanet.com) to provide members with a faster, easier and more enhanced user experience.  Available free in 11 languages, this next generation of Planet aims to provide its 600,000 plus teaching members with new functional enhancements. These include a one-click mega-menu and enhanced resource search and filtering, … Read more

Small feature in Sunday Business Post

We were happy to see ourselves mentioned (albeit in a very small way!) in the Sunday Business Post over the weekend. This is the first time Anseo.net has been mentioned in a national newspaper. Pictured is the article which tells of the Iomega NAS media centre, which we reviewed a few weeks ago.

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