What is an EduMoBlog?

Inspired by some of the talks at CESI, and the fluke that my mobile phone is a Sony Ericsson, I set up a new blog – an educational mobile-phone blog – or EduMoBlog. Whenever I’m out and about and see something I like, I can take a photo of it and send it directly to … Read more

@nseo.net Blogging workshop at CESI

CESI, the Computers in Education Society of Ireland, hold an annual conference and this year I was lucky enough to be selected to give a workshop called Blogging in Primary – essentially how to use a blog in primary schools.  My main purpose was to show how easy it is for schools to set up a … Read more

What can you blog about?

A teacher asked me recently what could she write a blog about.  She said that she wasn’t sure so she hasn’t posted anything.  So here are a couple of ideas…

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