Fis week 2 Story Boarding

The first lesson of the week was given by Mrs Cole, she introduced the idea of Storyboarding to the class and they took to the idea very quickly. First, she showed them the example of “The Boy from Mercury” explaining how a storyboarder will add captions to the picture so that the Director knows what to include in a scene.

We went through the well known tale of “Three little pigs” and storyboarded the beginning, middle and end. It was difficult to place this story in a 3 picture frame but we did it through careful observation on the children’s part. One child advised us to use a 3 split image to show the Wolf blowing down the 3 houses, great idea! Lots of films use this technique and it can look very attractive on screen.

Afterwards, the children worked in pairs to make their own storyboard. We gave them a choice but the majority of them went for Humpty Dumpty with one pair going for Little Red Riding Hood. Have a look at our examples here.

I was really impressed with the children, particularly the level of cooperation and oral discussion that was going on while they created their storyboards. They all sounded like Film Pros and it was great to see it. One child brought me a full script he had worked on over the weekend complete with characters, setting, props, beginning, middle and end! Every child is going to work on their own ideas and stories for Wednesday. Myself and Mrs. Cole are going to pick one then

Last Update: August 17, 2017  

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