Fis film making in the classroom

I am starting my first Fis lesson on Monday with a group of 5th and 6th Class. Fis is basically an integrated curriculum bringing film-making into the classroom.

I refer to “us” or “We” along that way as I am jointly taking on this project with one of the teachers in my school! She was very open to it and I’m really looking forward to it.

We introduced the idea to the class with a series of “Fis” films from animation, poetry on film, drama etc. The children started to come up with “interesting” ideas for a story for our film. Of course, they will think of stories that will be impossible to do with the time and resources constraints. We have a camcorder, boom microphone( which we will attach to a broom! ;)v Stephen Spielberg?) and a tripod. Very basic equipment and Fis tell me it’s about the process and not the product which I like. The subjects of the curriculum are all “process based.” Fis have put immense work into this and seem to be expanding and developing every year, they have a launched a series of online professional development courses for teachers, which look and sound brilliant.

I wonder why more schools don’t do this project, my reason? I wasn’t the principal, I have wanted to get involved with Fis since I heard of it but it’s not something you can just start up. The Principal needs to agree and in most large schools, there would be an ICT Postholder, their job seemed to be doing the Fis project in their class. Well, this is just my experience anyway! Anyway, it is so happening this year, this Monday!

Our first lesson is going to be an introduction to Cinema. Giving the children the terminology to talk about cinema and comparing the cinema to tv at home. They’ll also be learning a brief(very) history of cinema. Interesting stuff. I am a lover of films, when I was in UCD studying my B.A in English and Classics, in your third year I was given the opportunity to do a modular on “Film and media studies” with the Centre for Film studies. We looked at early, classical and contemporary cinema and built up a knowledge of film and its social and cultural contexts. I wrote an essay on Film and the subject of the troubles in Northern Ireland and must have watched the film “Angel” millions of times!

I’m hoping that these lessons will inspire the children to think creatively and expand their film viewing horizons in a world where “Twilight” and “Harry Potter” are order of the day.

Wish me luck!

Last Update: August 17, 2017  

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3 thoughts on “Fis film making in the classroom”

  1. What budget camcorders would you suggest for schools to buy in order to introduce film making in a school? Are the boom microphones necessary too? Thanks


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