Our school sends texts parents but we cannot reply. Why is this?

This question was asked, presumably, by a parent, who said she was getting texts almost daily from the principal about fundraising. Given that it costs about 5c per text to be sent, if the school has 100 pupils that’s €5 spent by the school each time so, hopefully, for their sake, they are getting more … Read more

Can you recommend headsets for recording for classroom use?

This question is an interesting one as I would have had a completely different answer 10 years ago. It just goes to show how quickly technology moves on! Most computers, laptops and mobile devices have inbuilt microphones in them, which are generally quite good, particularly for classroom use. Therefore, I would suggest that if your … Read more

Server or cloud storage or both?

Should schools buy a server or use cloud storage or should they have a combination of the two? Or should they teach the students How to Choose the Best Cloud Based Server for Small Business? This is a very good question with no exact answers as the decision will be dependent on each school’s needs. … Read more

Which would you use G Suite or Aladdin?

(This question has been sent in by an Anseo.net reader.) This is a hard question to answer because G Suite and Aladdin are as different as lemons and oranges. However, like lemons and oranges share many traits, Aladdin and G Suite also have a number of things in common. G Suite for Education made by … Read more

How do I set up multiple E-mail accounts in G Suite?

A school got in contact with me who have a website made with Weebly but they want to give each student an email address using G Suite. Presumably, the website has a domain address; so let’s call this school “Scoil Simon” and their website is scoilsimon.ie The school needs to set themselves up using G … Read more

I’ve lost my driver to my Interactive Whiteboard

Back in the mid-noughties, there were nearly 30 brands of Interactive Whiteboard on the market. Within a few years, most of the companies that sold these boards either went out of business or simply stopped selling these boards. When schools bought these boards, the companies usually came into the school and set them up. This … Read more

My projector has broken. Should I replace my Interactive Whiteboard?

Traditionally, Interactive Whiteboards come in two main parts – the board and the projector. The board is usually something that will last a long time but the projector usually needs more maintenance. Bulbs tend to blow every 3-5 years and the filters often need cleaning. Technology, as we know, moves quickly so by the time a … Read more

Has any country used Smartphones in primary schools?

In a word, the answer to this question is yes. Smartphones are becoming a highly relevant and useful tool for the primary classroom. With more and more young people owning Smartphones, the concept of BYOD (Bring your own device) is gaining popularity everywhere, including Ireland. Some would argue that schools should be providing children with … Read more

Overhead Projectors vs Visualisers

I received the following comment about an article written about visualisers and thought I’d address it: I am a primary music teacher used to using an OHP and acetates for songs. This works very well as I can stand behind the machine and children can see my mouth shapes and hear my voice as I … Read more

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