Our school sends texts parents but we cannot reply. Why is this?

This question was asked, presumably, by a parent, who said she was getting texts almost daily from the principal about fundraising. Given that it costs about 5c per text to be sent, if the school has 100 pupils that’s €5 spent by the school each time so, hopefully, for their sake, they are getting more than a fiver a day back in return for these texts!

Anyway, to answer the question: it’s likely that the school is using a texting app such as Text-a-Parent from IPPN or a service like Aladdin, which allow schools to send bulk texts to parents. They are set in such a way as to send out information rather than for a two-way conversation. As a parent of the school, you opt-in to getting these messages so you can hear about useful things such as emergency days off school, the dates of the winter concert, and so on. Using a texting service to nag parents to donate money seems to me to be a bit annoying, especially if it’s a daily thing, so it’s probably a good idea to send a note into the school to ask them to stop.

Last Update: March 28, 2018  

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