Two Line Tuesday

All those minutes I wasted when subtracting any number from 1,000,000 in 6th class, when instead of renaming, I could have simply changed the million to 999,999 and subtracted from this instead then added one to my answer. Maybe if borrow and payback had been explained better, it might have survived.

#AnShop Supermarket Maths

Today’s Supermarket Supplement is all about their special offers on fruit, veg and meat. Make a meal using some of these ingredients. Who can make the cheapest meal for 4? Who can make the tastiest meal for 4? #ss

Can the new NCCA Ethics Curriculum work in Ireland?

It always strikes me as odd the stories about primary education that get noticed by the media. The majority of primary schools are wonderful places and have been through a terrible time over the last number of years with severe cuts to resources for children and yet primary schools seem to be able to achieve fantastic … Read more

#dojoChatEU: Breaking down the classroom wall

Every week I look at the ClassDojo chat and answer the various questions on the topic. This week’s chat was called Breaking down the classroom wall. It sounded like a great topic as it’s one of the main reasons why we need to be using technology in our classrooms. Q1. What is the best visit … Read more

Two Line Tuesday

The NCCA have just come out with plans to create a brand spanking new curriculum for ethical education, which they want all schools to teach no matter what their patronage. Did no one tell them Educate Together have been running one that’s pretty much exactly the same for almost 20 years?

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