#dojoChatEU: Fostering Positive Relationships

Every week I answer the questions posed in ClassDojo’s weekly chat, #dojoChatEU. It happens every Wednesday from 8:30pm and it brings together teachers from around Europe. This week’s topic is fostering positive relationships. Q1. Which famous person would you like to be friends with? I know it’s probably a cliché to say that I’ve never really … Read more

The power of online petitions

Rage Against the Machine were the first non X-Factor Christmas number one in the UK charts for years thanks to an online petition on Facebook.  Millions of people are being petitioned to help the victims of the Haitian disaster this week through the use of social media.  In a much smaller and local way, an … Read more

Why I’m voting “no” to strike action

Everyone knows that we’re in the middle of a recession: everyone, that is, except for the INTO, the union representing Irish primary school teachers. The McCarthy report outlined several ways that the government could save some cash in the education sector. None of the recommendations included a pay cut. However, the INTO are convincing its … Read more