Teachnet Podcast – Interactive Whiteboards

This week I was invited by Teachnet to record a podcast for their series on the topic of Interactive Whiteboards.  I have previously spoken about IWBs in my school on an earlier poscast with two other teachers but this time it was just me speaking about my own experiences and my own recommendations on IWBs.

In the podcast, I was asked about the different boards I have in my school, how teachers use them and the advantages and disadvantages of IWBs.  I was also asked about how I choose an IWB when buying and then I gave my top three recommendations.

One board, I completely forgot about was the Hitachi Starboard, which is another IWB I love, so my apologies for leaving it out!  There’s a new board on the scene, which I haven’t seen called the IQboard which also looks interesting so that may be one of my top tips at a future time.

Thanks to Pat and Michael for having me on their show for my third appearance.  If anyone wants to hear the 17 minutes or so of my chat with Michael, either head over to http://blog.teachnet.ie/?p=1612 or you can listen to the poscast here.

Teachnet Podcast #7 – Interactive Whiteboards

This week I was invited for the second time to speak on the Teachnet podcast station and the topic was Interactive Whiteboards. I’m fairly happy with what I had to say although I failed to mention many of the options by name except for Promethean and Smart.  I mentioned eBeam too.  However, I regret that I didn’t get to mention my favourite IWBs, which are less well known but excellent products. 

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Teachnet Podcasting

Teachnet Ireland have been around for many years and is part of a global Teachnet network. Its aim is to explore how ICT can integrate into education. Teachers all over Ireland have created nearly 400 resources which are free to use.

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