Video-conferencing on an iPad

Tom Whitby tweeted recently about ways to video-conference on an iPad. The link above goes to the web site Apps in Education, a blog that lists iPad apps by subject. Obviously video-conferencing on an iPad requires one with a front-facing camera so iPad 1 users like myself won’t be able to take advantage. The great thing about this list is that most of the apps are completely free.

Anseo Radio Week 3

This week Rozz speaks about the latest news with the Teaching Council and the fiasco of their election mix up and the potential downfall of CEPP. She also looks at ways of protecting your iPad and finally talks about how she broke her MacBook!

Has Apple reinvented the Textbook?

Apple has unleashed iBooks Textbooks today, where they claim that they have “reinvented the school textbook.”  Apparently, these books will be “an entirely new kind of textbook that’s dynamic, engaging and truly interactive.”  I am somewhat sceptical. Don’t get me wrong – I love Apple products as much as the next fanboy. While I ditched … Read more

Fáilte Romhat, iPad, go hÉireann

Today the iPad is being launched in Ireland. So while you are queuing outside your local Currys or PC World to get your hands on one, I thought I’d give you something to read! I bought my iPad in America in April.  The 3G model wasn’t out at the time and I bought the cheapest … Read more

Ipad available in Ireland

The iPad will be launched on Friday in Ireland. I’ve written some articles about iPads in the classroom. Must have app for me: Toy Story – great for reading, recording, rewarding and lots of other words beginning with “re!”

Teaching with an iPad

So I gave in. My friend was getting married in Milwaukee and my wife and I decided to spend a couple of days in Chicago beforehand. On the obligatory shopping day, I walked into the Apple Store where about 50 people were standing around a stand playing with the new iPad. When I eventually got … Read more

A week with an iPad in school

When the iPad was launched a few weeks ago, I smirked at the “fools” who queued up for days to get their hands on one.  “Sure, it’s just a giant iPhone”,  I muttered in condescending tones.  All the reviews on the web, in newspapers and in magazines were lukewarm too.  It doesn’t multitask and it has … Read more