Podcast Shownotes: The Video Experiment

I decided to try out expanding the podcast out to video this week so you can now find it on all the podcasting channels as well as YouTube. I’d really like your feedback on this because if it isn’t any good, I may as well drop it! It takes twice as long to produce a video podcast than an audio only one! Anyway, here are the show notes to the episode along with links to the articles I refer to, as well as some bonus ones.

I was on the radio chatting to Claire Byrne about her two hour workday and plans for Wales to reduce the summer holidays.

As politicians try to grab the local headlines over the installation of solar panels, I wonder why nobody seems to conflate the investment with the National Maternity Hospital.

Meanwhile, private schools were trying to justify themselves and their anti-social students, in the media as they revealed the average fee goes up 17% to cover utilities. In the real world, the State has added 9%  to capitation fees.

Jen Hogan wonders what school rules make sense like uniforms, and book sellers wonder what they’re going to do without the income from selling schoolbooks.

And just when I thought I wouldn’t think about Smartphones, two teachers make a business out of putting them out of sight in schools. Then, at the last minute, education expert Pasi Sahlberg visited Ireland to let us know that student wellbeing sharply declining because of them anyway.

However, my favourite story comes from a Fianna Fáil politician looking ahead to 2030 in classrooms. Funnily enough I believe his dystopian headsets are more likely to happen than the 400 multidenominational schools supposed to be in place by the same year!

You can check out all of the articles I found interesting over the last while on my Feedly page.

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