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…on. For example, the patron might insist that each lesson ends with some sort of message that while “other people” might believe x and y, we believe… For example, in…

Review: Aladdin Schools

companies offering online lesson planners and online school databases. The one that stood out for me was Aladdin Schools, an online service that not only was a school database for…

Review: Wizteach (Qwizdom)

Every so often, a piece of software comes along which tries to steal the crown from Promethean’s Activ Software series. Easyteach from RM was the last challenger and it wasn’t…

Review: Aladdin Schools

companies offering online lesson planners and online school databases. The one that stood out for me was Aladdin Schools, an online service that not only was a school database for…

001. Separate Church and State

Despite our country’s education system beginning with a non-denominational model, Ireland’s primary education system is almost completely controlled by church bodies, with 96% of schools having a religious body as…

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