Cá bhfuil Batdog?

The second is Beadzee’s series of PowerPoint presentations asks you where is BatDog? I wonder who BatDog is…he sounds like an interesting pet! Download Cá bhfuil BatDog….

Digital Art Week 2015

…a Twitter puzzle each day to test the pupils around the country. It was interesting to note some schools in particular. For example, the fantastic St. Peter’s Primary in Bray,…


I was asked to review the web site http://www.alphalingo.ie, which is an online eLearning course in German. It is aimed at children from 5th class upwards (as part of the…

Big Changes in Promethean Ireland

…first public signs of this restructure was working with the Jack & Jill Foundation where Promethean launched the first Irish specific ‘phones for boards’ campaign, http://www.phonesforboards.com. There was no mention…

CESI Meet – Tipperary

From CESI: Any of you with an interest in ICT in Education should come long and meet like minded folk at the next CESI Meet. It is being held at…

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