Review: Imagebank

…used for free for educational purposes. It’s been around for about a year. The reason I’m reviewing it now is because they’ve undergone a makeover. The former web site had…

2016 Predictions

As we come to the last day of year, it is traditional at to make predictions for what we think will be the big stories for the following year….

Editorial: June 2011

…as the usually mix of free software, previews of themes for planning and product reviews, we’ve also teamed up with Mediascene to launch a competition to win an underwater digital…

New common file format for IWBs

From Teachnet Blog ( The British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA) have announced that all major interactive whiteboard vendors have agreed to make their educational content available in the… Review of 2011

…sad to see that a number of these companies are no longer with us. A big problem in Ireland with Interactive Whiteboards was that there were still a large number…

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