Twitter and Primary Education (1)

Go to any search engine and type in “Twitter and education” and you’ll get hundreds of web sites, which show how great Twitter is for educational purposes.  I’ve scoured through many of these web sites looking at ways that I could introduce Twitter to the children in my school.  While all the suggestions for using … Read more

Twitter Workshop Podcast

At the Tipperary Institute of Technology, as well as giving the keynote talk, I also gave a workshop entitled: “Becoming a member of the Twitterati”, which brought participants through signing up to Twitter, writing a tweet, following people and getting following, marking favourites and finally some recommendations of Twitter users to follow. Below is the podcast – enjoy!

Some of the Twitterati I follow

As promised at a workshop I gave earlier today, here is a list of some of the people/organisations I follow on Twitter. They are probably more relevant to the primary school teacher.  I’ll have a podcast of this workshop as well as a full report on the conference soon. @daynuv @rozzlewis @lismiss @sccenglish @seomranga @castledrumns … Read more

My Twitterversary

I’ve been using Twitter for a while now and am about to tweet for the 1,000th time.  Whenever you near some sort of milestone in your life, you tend to reflect a little bit.  While I realise reflecting on the number of Twitter messages I’ve written confirms me as a complete geek, I wanted to … Read more

Twitter – a tweet everyday.

As one of the regular contributors to Teachnet’s blogs, I thought I’d write about something a little different to my usual rantings about Interactive Whiteboards and Blogging.  I’ve been using a tool called Twitter for the last number of months and it’s really started to take off in a big way with other ICT-friendly teachers.  … Read more