How will you attract teachers to engage with the union?

People often complain that fewer teachers are attending union meetings and engaging with the union. What do our candidates have to say about this? John Boyle The level of member engagement with INTO is actually much higher than ever, but of course, it is not the traditional type of involvement. For starters our membership is … Read more

Do you think the INTO is as influential as it always has been?

We asked both candidates for the INTO President position some questions to see where they stood on issues that affect education. At, we suspect the INTO’s influence has waned somewhat over the years. What do our two candidates think? [Due to time constraints with attempting to manage the comments, I’ve decided to switch off the comments on … Read more

INTO Presidential Election: Interviews

For the first time in many years, the INTO will be having an election for its next president. John Boyle, the current vice-president of the INTO is running against Gregor Kerr, a well-known INTO activist and Teaching Council committee member. Both candidates are running their campaigns over the coming month and both agreed to be … Read more