Views on Religious Inequality

Religious equality is becoming a bigger subject in the public domain every year. However, teachers of minority faiths and no faiths are rarely mentioned. How do the candidates think the INTO can support teachers who are effectively forced to work in conditions where they must hide their beliefs? Gregor Kerr I have always been committed to … Read more

Which cut do you think will be the hardest to reverse?

There were so many cuts made to our profession in the last decade, it’s hard to know where to start sometimes. However, which cut do the candidates think will be the most difficult to reverse? John Boyle I’m a very optimistic person. I do not focus on negativity as it’s simply too energy sapping. I … Read more

Is the union too hierarchal?

One criticism I have of the union is that it is far too hierarchal. In order to get anywhere near an influential position, one has to be able to get through a number of obstacles. Branch meetings can be difficult depending on the area you attend, the CEC representative at the helm, and even how … Read more