Interview 18: Mark Connaughton, KlaasKickz

What better way to celebrate my beloved Sheffield United’s return to the Premier League than talking about soccer and education! In this interview, I talk to Mark Connaughton from KlaasKickz, a fantastic company that has produced a football boot to help teach children how to kick a football successfully. We talk all things soccer including … Read more

Interview 18: Mark Connaughton, KlaasKickz

What better way to celebrate my beloved Sheffield United’s return to the Premier League than talking about soccer and education! In this interview, I talk to Mark Connaughton from KlaasKickz, a fantastic company that has produced a football boot to help teach children how to kick a football successfully. We talk all things soccer including … Read more

Who Needs Technology Funding Anyway?

Technology is central to most people’s work and lives and, for schools, it’s no different. Despite this, the Department of Education failed to provide a regular stream of funding for almost two decades after the launch of IT2000 in 1997. Former principal and early pioneer of educational technology, Robbie O’Leary, famously said that technology in … Read more

Who Needs Technology Funding Anyway?

Technology is central to most people’s work and lives and, for schools, it’s no different. Despite this, the Department of Education failed to provide a regular stream of funding for almost two decades after the launch of IT2000 in 1997. Former principal and early pioneer of educational technology, Robbie O’Leary, famously said that technology in … Read more

Interview 17: Maxwell Roach – Lessons from Canada

I’m always giving out about our education system so when I got the opportunity to speak about the Canadian system, I was only happy to give Ireland a break for an episode. However, I didn’t expect to meet someone with such a rich and fascinating history as Maxwell Roach. A former musician that worked with … Read more

Interview 17: Maxwell Roach – Lessons from Canada

I’m always giving out about our education system so when I got the opportunity to speak about the Canadian system, I was only happy to give Ireland a break for an episode. However, I didn’t expect to meet someone with such a rich and fascinating history as Maxwell Roach. A former musician that worked with … Read more

My Dream Job

The best talks I ever saw live happened in the same conference. It was the IPPN conference in 2012. Imagine this as a lineup – Mary Robinson, who needs no introduction; Michael Fullan, one of the world’s greatest thinkers in education; Ben Waldon, a Shakespearean actor who tours the world giving talks on leadership; and … Read more

My Dream Job

The best talks I ever saw live happened in the same conference. It was the IPPN conference in 2012. Imagine this as a lineup – Mary Robinson, who needs no introduction; Michael Fullan, one of the world’s greatest thinkers in education; Ben Waldon, a Shakespearean actor who tours the world giving talks on leadership; and … Read more

Interview 16: Joe Dale

When I think of podcasting, I think of two Joes: Joe Molloy, the retired Irish primary teacher who started podcasting before the word was invented in the late 1990’s/early noughties; and also Joe Dale, one of the biggest names in education and podcasting in the world. I had the pleasure of having Joe on the … Read more

Interview 16: Joe Dale

When I think of podcasting, I think of two Joes: Joe Molloy, the retired Irish primary teacher who started podcasting before the word was invented in the late 1990’s/early noughties; and also Joe Dale, one of the biggest names in education and podcasting in the world. I had the pleasure of having Joe on the … Read more