Episode 030: No More Teaching Principals

The job of the Teaching Principal is impossible yet over 1,800 people do it every day. However, how do we have a situation where all Teaching Principals became Admin? Is it even possible?

Episode 030: No More Teaching Principals

The job of the Teaching Principal is impossible yet over 1,800 people do it every day. However, how do we have a situation where all Teaching Principals became Admin? Is it even possible?

Episode 029: Award Principal Benchmarking

Picture the scene. Ireland at the beginning of 2008. It was the height of the Celtic Tiger. The Fianna Fáil tent was dripping in champagne and helicopter fuel. The Builders were driving Mercs and laughing at teachers. And the following adorned the front pages of the newspapers: “The principals of about 1,700 primary schools are … Read more

Episode 029: Award Principal Benchmarking

Picture the scene. Ireland at the beginning of 2008. It was the height of the Celtic Tiger. The Fianna Fáil tent was dripping in champagne and helicopter fuel. The Builders were driving Mercs and laughing at teachers. And the following adorned the front pages of the newspapers: “The principals of about 1,700 primary schools are … Read more

Episode 028: Does Class Size Matter?

Class Size seems to be a subject that has a universal agreement in terms of an answer – smaller class sizes are better – but is this true and are we even asking the right question?

Episode 028: Does Class Size Matter?

Class Size seems to be a subject that has a universal agreement in terms of an answer – smaller class sizes are better – but is this true and are we even asking the right question?

Episode 027: No Tolerance for Violence

This episode is partially inspired by two news stories: one where a child hospitalised two members of staff and his expulsion was overturned through an appeal; and one where a study basically lambasted schools for shortening children’s school days.  In this episode I wonder how has it suddenly become acceptable in any way to be … Read more

Episode 027: No Tolerance for Violence

This episode is partially inspired by two news stories: one where a child hospitalised two members of staff and his expulsion was overturned through an appeal; and one where a study basically lambasted schools for shortening children’s school days.  In this episode I wonder how has it suddenly become acceptable in any way to be … Read more

Episode 026: Ban Fundraising in Schools

To celebrate 6 months since I started this podcast, If I were the Minister for Education investigates the scandal in the public sector where firemen have to make reindeer food to pay the heating bills and judges in the High Court dress up as Disney Princesses to plug the gap in their fundings. It would … Read more

Episode 026: Ban Fundraising in Schools

To celebrate 6 months since I started this podcast, If I were the Minister for Education investigates the scandal in the public sector where firemen have to make reindeer food to pay the heating bills and judges in the High Court dress up as Disney Princesses to plug the gap in their fundings. It would … Read more